Did The SolChicks Launch Cause The Solana Network To Crash?

The Coin Times
3 min readDec 17, 2021

Solana has recently expanded its NFT projects with SolChicks, one of the largest on-chain games based on a play to earn format. This has generated a lot of hype amongst users, and has led to problems for the company as well.

The Solana network crashed due to heavy demand for $CHICKS and their new offering, SolChicks. The company clarified that the network hadn’t been shut down, but instead, that the performance had dropped.


This was due to tens of thousands of people trying to access the NFT offering at the same time. The network performance was restricted to 1,000 transactions per second due to the heavy traffic from SolChicks’ IDO. Solana’s Raydium found it difficult to manage all these requests and crashed. Hence, the users’ ability to interact and claim these digital assets decreased massively.

The SolChicks team called the event a ‘record breaking launch’, and transferred the responsibility of the event to the parent blockchain company. Solana apologized for the inconvenience caused, adding that their team was working around the clock to fix the issue. They also clarified that patch 1.9 would address the issues currently existing in the ecosystem.


What Is SolChicks?

SolChicks is a game built on the Solana blockchain, and has gained a lot of hype amongst users. The game is set to revolutionise the industry with the player vs player model that is based on NFT characters. It allows users to use their SolChicks NFTs as their main characters in the game, which is based on a metaverse.

Players can collect, breed and train these characters to play the game. The aim of the company is to build an MMORPG / MOBA game with real and proven entertainment value, in a short amount of time. It is similar to games like Dota, Diablo and League of Legends. The players that choose to spend their time and commit to the game will be paid as a reward.

In the future, there are plans for the SolChicks team to be able to airdrop their tokens so that user requirements are met.

What Is Solana’s Current and Future Status?

In 24 hours, the market cap of $CHICKS has increased by 710% to $4 billion. Each token has a price of $0.05 that goes up to as much as $0.80.

Market enthusiasts have hence criticised Solana for not being decentralised enough; but these criticisms are not new. In September 2021, the network went down and was out of use for 17 hours, which also caused the price of SOL to drop.

But despite these problems, the Soldana ecosystem has experienced steady growth over the last year. It’s Phantom Wallet hit one million active users in November and investors are starting to show more interest towards the company.

As a result, Solana Trust has been set up for institutional and high net worth investors. In light of their recent success, the company is optimistic about the future and their growth with the changing digital landscape.

